Singing Guide: Alvin Slaughter

Singing Guide: Alvin Slaughter

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Alvin Slaughter is an American gospel singer with a powerful voice that inspires and uplifts. He is known for his soulful music with powerful lyrics that speak to the soul. Alvin's unique vocal technique includes a wide range and excellent breath control, which enables him to hit high notes with ease. His signature song, "Jesus You're the Center of My Joy," is a classic that showcases his amazing vocal range and control.

To learn singing like Alvin Slaughter, you need to start with the basics. Good singing starts with proper posture and breathing. Articles such as Breathing basics, Voice registers & vocal break, and Breath support on Singing Carrots provide valuable tips on how to achieve these. A warm-up exercise like the Farinelli breathing exercise can also be useful.

Alvin's singing style features a lot of vibrato. Singing Carrots offers instructional video resources like Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce to help you master vibrato.

To achieve Alvin's unique tone, you need to build great breath control. This will enable you to sing with power and ease. The Sustain vocal exercise is an excellent exercise to improve your breath control.

Alvin Slaughter's singing technique is characterized by a lot of belting, which is a contemporary vocal technique. Singing Carrots resources like the Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting article and Singing Comfort Zone video can be used to develop an effective belting voice.

Another critical aspect of Alvin Slaughter's technique is his ability to control the pitch of his voice effectively. Singing Carrots offers tools such as the Vocal range test and Pitch accuracy test that can assist you in improving your pitch accuracy.

In conclusion, to sing like Alvin Slaughter, you need to start with the basics, develop your breath control, and master belting, vibrato and pitch accuracy. Singing Carrots provides many resources that can help you towards sounding like your favorite artist. Don't forget to discover Alvin Slaughter's classic, "Jesus You're the Center of My Joy," and others in the Singing Carrots Song search feature to help you learn his unique style. Good luck and have fun!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.